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The Ballad of Melodie Rose

The Ballad of Melodie Rose

by Kate Gordon

A heartfelt story of one girl's determination to save her beloved home and the lyrical companion tale to The Heartsone of Wonder Quinn.

Penguin Random House
Publish Date
June 2021

When Melodie Rose is abandoned on the doorstep of Direleafe Hall, she realises she must be a ghost. Strangely, she is not sad. With the three other ghostly girls who haunt the school and a gloomy crow on her shoulder, Melodie has never felt more at peace. Finally there is a place for her to call home. So when a lady in white arrives with plans to flatten her beloved school, Melodie Rose must act fast to save all she holds dear. But what can one powerless ghost do? The Ballad of Melodie Rose is a life-affirming tale of belonging, being brave and being seen.

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