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Dr Karl Random Road Trip

Dr Karl Random Road Trip

by Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki

Dr Karl's Random Road Trip through Science

Harper Collins
Publish Date
October 2019

In this, his 45th book, Dr Karl goes full kolour, with brilliant and funny illustrations to match his dress sense. So take a technikolour trip through science with the intrepid Dr Karl, Australia's favourite science guru. Q: HOW MANY DR KARL BOOKS ARE THERE IN THE UNIVERSE? A: MORE THAN A MILLION! Dr Karl is on a mission to track down Awe and Wonder in the Universe. Why do wombats poo cubes? What nearly destroyed humanity on Halloween 2015? How do you use an incinerating toilet? Find out why we've sent a spacecraft with Dr Karl's name on it to kiss the Sun, whether cannibalism is nutritious, and the answer to the Biggeset Question of All - why does spaghetti always break into three pieces? Plus a whole lot more. So strap in and get ready for a random ride through the Universe. Who knows where you'll end up!

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