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Life and Death Decisions

Life and Death Decisions

by Lachlan McIver

This is a deeply human look at the personal cost of our broken global health system, and how we must work together to change it for the better. It’s what we need right now.

Hardie Grant Books
Publish Date
July 2022

After Lachlan McIver's father suffers a sudden, fatal heart attack it sends him into a spiral of grief and outrage. This tragedy inspires him to become a doctor and he eventually finds his calling - providing care for communities in some of the most remote and neglected parts of the world. In this no-holds-barred memoir, Lachlan recounts his experiences treating patients and tackling health problems across dozens of countries, from rural communities around Australia and the islands of the South Pacific, through natural disasters and civil war zones, to the headquarters of the World Health Organization and Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in Switzerland. Lachlan is forced to confront not only the frustrations of trying to provide medical care in extremely under-resourced environments, but broader crises such as health inequities, climate change and drug-resistant infections. He also faces his own personal battles, including with depression, alcohol abuse and bankruptcy.

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