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Parental As Anything

Parental As Anything

by Maggie Dent

A common-sense guide to raising happy, healthy kids - from toddlers to tweens.

Harper Collins Publishers
Publish Date
July 2021

How much screen time should you let your children have? How and when do you talk about sex? What can you do when your kid throws a tantrum? Why should you let your children just play? Maggie Dent, queen of common-sense parenting, has answers to your real-world parenting dilemmas.Focusing on the most engaged-with topics from her popular ABC Parental As Anything podcast, Maggie tells us what the experts have to say, relates the experiences of other parents, and offers her own reassuring guidance to provide practical solutions to the challenges parents and caregivers face today. This book will give you the means to be the parent you'd like to be, and help you in your quest to raise happy, healthy, thriving, resilient children.

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