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Someone Else's Shoes

Someone Else's Shoes

by Jojo Moyes

The brand-new novel from the International No 1 Bestselling phenomenon and author of Me Before You and The Giver of Stars

Penguin Random House
Publish Date
February 2023

Nisha Cantor and Sam Kemp are two very different women. Nisha, 45, lives the globetrotting life of the seriously wealthy, until her husband inexplicably cuts her off entirely. She doesn't even have the shoes she was, until a moment ago, standing in. That's because Sam - 47, middle-aged, struggling to keep herself and her family afloat - has accidentally taken Nisha's gym bag. Now Nisha's got nothing. And Sam's walking tall with shoes that catch eyes - and give her career an unexpected boost. Except Nisha wants her life back - and she'll start with her shoes . . .

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