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Eyes on Flies

Eyes on Flies

by Bryan Lessard

Buzzing with hilarious facts and eye-popping photos, EYES ON FLIES reveals the hidden lives of flies and all the astonishing things they can do.

Publish Date
August 2022

You won't believe what you read! Without flies, there would be no chocolate. Flies have been brave for millions of years. The ancestors of the horse fly used to bite the T-rex. Flies love sports. They are champion bowlers, wrestlers and even scuba divers. Flies can live anywhere - from freezing cold Antarctica to scorching hot volcanic baths. Maggots help solve crime and might be the next superfood of the 21st century! Flies are masters of disguise. Some look like bees or even spiders to hide from predators. Flies are amazing gardeners. Hairy flies make the best pollinators! Flies can be stars of the show. Just ask the Beyoncé fly.

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