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Flames of Extinction

Flames of Extinction

by John Pickrell

Scientists estimate more than three billion native animals were killed or displaced during Australia's Black Summer bushfire season. Many species - the koala, regent honeyeater, glossy black-cockatoo, platypus - are inching towards extinction at the hands of mega-blazes and the changing climate behind them.

NewSouth Books
Publish Date
March 2021

In Flames Of Extinction , award-winning science writer John Pickrell investigates the effects of the 2019-2020 bushfires on Australian wildlife and ecosystems. Journeying across the firegrounds, Pickrell explores the stories of creatures that escaped the flames, the wildlife workers who rescued them, and the conservationists, land managers, Aboriginal rangers, ecologists and firefighters on the frontline of the climate catastrophe. He also reveals the radical new conservation methods being trialled to save as many species as possible from the very precipice of extinction.

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