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Desert Jungle

Desert Jungle

by Jeannie Baker

In spectacular and astonishing collage detail, Jeannie Baker captures the deep beauty, mystery, and hidden vitality of the desert landscape - and why it needs our protection.

Walker Books
Publish Date
May 2023

Chico's grandpa has taken him on holiday where he grew up as a child, out in the desert. Chico has no interest in exploring the land - the desert jungle frightens him, and he'd much rather play on his his tablet. Grandpa decides that it is time to show Chico the secrets and the wonders that the desert has to offer so that he will not fear it but, instead, welcome it, embrace it and help protect it. Grandpa shows Chico paths through the cactus and the scrub, teaches Chico the plants' names - ocotillo, cholla, cirios, pin cushion, fishhook - and, soon, Chico begins to understand the wonders of the wild. He learns the value of watching, waiting and listening for all the life that hums within his desert home.

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