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Staying Alive

Staying Alive

by Dr. Kate Gregorevic

Discover how to thrive and live better for longer.

Publish Date
June 2020

By the time we turn 60 most of us will still have one third of our lives to live. How well we live these years will depend on our health: are we agile and disease free? Or dependent on medication and physical assistance? In Staying Alive you'll discover the science on how you can avoid or manage the major diseases that impact us as we age, including heart health, diabetes and dementia, and boost your everyday behaviours to improve your enjoyment of life.Specialist Australian geriatrician Dr Kate Gregorevic clearly outlines key lifestyle-enhancing strategies for nutrition, exercise, cognitive and emotional health, and the positive impact they will have as you age.Easy to understand and based on the latest research, this is the day-to-day lifestyle guide you need to benefit you now and into a long and healthy future.

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