Outback Astronomer
The extraordinary story of an amateur astronomer's unwavering passion for the cosmos that propelled him from the mines of Broken Hill to working for NASA
- Format
- Paperback
- Category
- Non-Fiction
- Publisher
- Harper Collins
- Publish Date
- June 2025
The extraordinary story of Trevor Barry, an amateur astronomer whose unwavering passion for the cosmos propelled him from the mines of Broken Hill to working for NASA.
A uniquely Australian story about the power of dreams and resourcefulness, Outback Astronomer is a corrugated-iron love story of the universe.
Born and raised in the iconic mining town, Trevor spent his life deep in the earth, surrounded by the vast lead-zinc-silver ore deposits that had formed more than 1600 million years ago - but his heart was in exploring a very different universe and a famed planet formed 4.5 billion years ago -- Saturn.
It was a chance encounter, that he almost missed, which propelled Trevor into another world.
So, when the electrical machinist and fitter retired after 34 years, he embarked on a remarkable project building his own telescope and observatory in his backyard to explore the universe.
Despite leaving school after Year 10, he enrolled in university at the age of 52 to do an online astronomy degree and topped the class. Over the next decade, Trevor's knowledge and expertise grew as did his observatory, forged from two-parts old rainwater tanks, one part second-hand washing machine motor and an array of everyday materials. And not to mention some intense negotiation with his wife 'the gorgeous and adorable' whose prized garden took a battering.
As Trevor's knowledge and expertise grew, so did his love affair with Saturn, the ringed jewel of the solar system and it wasn't long before he was taking extraordinary planetary images and collecting incredible data.
At the same time, NASA too was exploring Saturn with its multi-million dollar spacecraft Cassini, and when Trevor recorded a massive storm on the planet it had missed, the space agency took note. The outback astronomer was invited to collaborate on their global research.
In between greenkeeping and championship bowls Trevor contributes to university data banks around the world and peer reviewed science journals. He is an award-winning amateur astronomer who has achieved international recognition.
Join Trevor Barry as he takes you on an awe-inspiring adventure, where the dusty landscapes of the outback collide with the infinite wonders of the cosmos.
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