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The XX Brain

The XX Brain

by Dr Lisa Mosconi

The groundbreaking approach for women to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's Disease and improve brain health

Allen & Unwin
Publish Date
March 2020

The XX Brain is the first book to explain how hormonal changes makes a woman's brain especially vulnerable to Alzheimer's, and shows how this risk and also other forms of dementia can be reduced by preventive medicine and lifestyle modifications designed specifically for women.
Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and women are far more likely than men to suffer from anxiety, depression, migraines, brain injuries and strokes. The XX Brain reveals groundbreaking research showing that women's brains age differently from men's, mostly due to the decline of a key brain-protective hormone: oestrogen.
Until now, medical research has focused on 'bikini medicine', assuming that women are essentially men with breasts and tubes. The XX Brain reveals how the two powerful X chromosomes that distinguish women from men affect women's brains.
Taking on all aspects of women's health, including brain fog, memory lapses, depression, stress, insomnia, hormonal imbalances, and the increased risk of dementia, Dr Lisa Mosconi introduces cutting-edge, evidence-based approaches to protect the female brain, including diet and lifestyle strategies proven to work for women. She also examines the controversies about hormonal replacement therapy and soy, the perils of environmental toxins, and gut health. Luckily, it is never too late to take care of yourself.
The XX Brain gives women the first plan to address the unique risks and strengths of the female brain for optimal, lifelong brain healt

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